3700 sc Digitálny indukčný snímač vodivosti, PEEK, prispôsobiteľný

3700 sc Digitálny indukčný snímač vodivosti, PEEK, prispôsobiteľný
Kat. číslo produkta: D3727E2T.99
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Široký merací rozsah

Hach’s Inductive Conductivity Sensors measure 200 up to 2,000,000 microSiemens/cm. A built-in Pt 1000 RTD compensates the measured conductivity for changes in process temperature.

Dizajn s nízkymi nárokmi na údržbu

The inductive sensor design eliminates polarization and electrode coating problems that commonly affect conventional contacting electrode-type conductivity sensors.

Rôzne možnosti montáže

Sensors can be installed using a choice of four mounting styles—immersion, insertion, union, and sanitary.

Princíp funkcie

Inductive conductivity sensors induce a low current in a closed loop of solution, then measure the magnitude of this current to determine the solution’s conductivity. The conductivity analyzer drives Toroid A, inducing an alternating current in the solution. This current signal flows
in a closed loop through the sensor bore and surrounding solution. Toroid B senses the magnitude of the induced current which is proportional to the conductance of the solution. The analyzer processes this signal and displays the corresponding reading.

Odoláva náročným podmienkam prostredia

The inductive sensor is available in sanitary (CIP) flange style and convertible styles in PFA®, polypropylene, PEEK®, and PVDF material. Select sensors can withstand high pressures and temperatures.

Obsah balenia

Includes: sensor with cable, digital gateway, extension cable and manual

Technické údaje

Dĺžka: 127 mm
Dĺžka kábla: 6 m
Hĺbka ponoru: 79.2 mm
Materiál: Sensor Body: PEEK
Obsah balenia: Includes: sensor with cable, digital gateway, extension cable and manual
Prevádzková teplota: -10 - 200 °C (senzor)
Prietok: max. 3 m/s
Rozsah merania: 200 µS/cm - 2000 mS/cm
Rozsah tlaku: 13,8 bar pri 200 °C
Špeciálna poznámka: Skladá sa z analógového snímača 3727E2T so 6-metrovým pevným káblom, digitálnym AD rozhraním a metrovým digitálnym káblom.
Teplotný senzor: Pt1000 RTD
Záruka: 24 mesiacov
Závit senzora: 0,75 " Vonkajší NPT závit